Speech & Language Therapy
We strongly believe it is every child’s right to develop their own communication skills as fully and as competently as possible, ensuring they achieve their own potential to interact with others, access the curriculum and the world around them.
The schools' communication team is a multidisciplinary team involving education staff and Speech and Language Therapists and a Speech and Language Therapist Assistant, working in partnership across the school to support in class and with individuals where appropriate. This team develops and promotes the school’s Total Communication Policy.
Each class has support from the communication team on a regular basis because it is crucial that pupil’s communication strategies are integrated throughout all learning activities and opportunities.
Where appropriate, detailed assessment of the students' communication needs will be carried out involving parents, teachers and, in some instances, the physiotherapist and O.T. Working in a multidisciplinary way ensures that communication targets and strategies are set jointly with parents and education staff. These targets and strategies are incorporated into the students' individual education plans.